Full Moon in Cancer and New Year 2018

2018 Cat

We cannot examine this full moon without giving due consideration of its proximity to the new year, and the vibrational change that goes from a ‘1’ year of 2017 (2+0+1+7=10=1) to a master number 11 year (2+0+1+8=11), or for those on a lower vibration, 2. In reality for most of us it is likely to be a combination of both 11 and the 2. Kryon tells us the meaning of master number 11 is illumination, while number 2 is about duality. Is it not ironic that illumination leads to a to rise above duality, to the truth that all is one and duality is merely a veil? My personal wish is that in 2018 we shall see many more awakening to the truth of reality, and raise the vibration of our collective human consciousness as we approach Ascension.

Back to the heavenly bodies … the Full Moon is on its lonesome in its home sign of Cancer while the Sun in Capricorn is accompanied by Saturn, Venus and Pluto. Cancer and Capricorn are the traditional rulers of the 4th and 10th houses, surfacing emotions relating to parent/child relationships and unfinished business. Remember as these emotions arise, our level of consciousness is important. If we see this as an opportunity to face unresolved issues rather than just the opening of old wounds for a little more blood-letting, the journey can be both productive and maybe a little less painful. It is no coincidence that the aspect dealing with family relationships always comes up around the time of the year when festivities of the season see us spending more time with family or thinking about family. Some may feel they cannot face family issue because the other party has passed over. Please be aware that the tool for resolution is forgiveness, and you do not need your forgiveness accepted, for that is conditional. You just need to forgive, unconditionally – however hard that can be, forgiveness heals you.

Venus is currently in a very close conjunct with the Sun in Capricorn. As Venus has an orbit of 225 days and is closing in on the Sun from 2 degrees away, it will form a precise conjunct around a week after the full moon before it slowly starts to pull away. As a planet conjuncts the Sun, the Sun (ego) is affected by that planetary influence, and we know Venus is the planet of beauty and attraction. Attraction from the ego can be fleeting so early January is not the time to rush into any commitment based on attraction, nor to make impulse purchases.

Two weeks after this full moon, around the new moon, Capricorn is hosting the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Pluto.  This will be an excellent time to progress with life; the area of life will be specific to what house Capricorn falls in on your personal chart. Needless to say, it will be a time to go with the flow and take opportunities as they arise, and apply the effort to reach a desired outcome.

The full moon is 1:24 pm Australian EDST, 10:24 am Indochina time, 7:54 am India time, 2:24 am UK/GMT/UTC on Tuesday 2nd January, which in the Americas will be 9:24 pm Eastern time and 6:24 pm Pacific time on Monday 1st January.

May the New Year bring you all blessings of health, happiness and abundance.

When seeing repeating numbers becomes a thing

11-11 its a thing

We have all done it – looked at a clock, or glanced at our phone, and saw the time was 11:11 or 3:33 or some other repeating number.  Maybe you think nothing of it – just random chance. Maybe you think it is a sign of something, but you don’t know what. What is for certain is that for many people this has gone way beyond random chance and has become a thing.

The human mind being what it is, we notice things like repeating numbers, but we would not notice all the times we look at the time and it is nothing special. This is what the cynics say. Another excuse presented is that repeating numbers are just a phenomenon of the digital age, because for example forty years ago clocks and watches had analog faces, and so the phenomenon could not have occurred. This to me indicates the opposite – that technology evolved exactly at the appropriate time to support the phenomena. We live in exciting times and synchronicity is everywhere when we learn how to read it.

There comes a point that seeing repeating numbers – and typically the same repeating number – becomes the norm. Repeating numbers are not just time – there are vehicle number plates, building numbers, telephone numbers; the list goes on. It seems that whenever a number presents itself, it’s that same number again.

As with my own experience, repeating numbers started to appear to such an extent that I started to notice them, and after that they came in a flood.  Typically one often first notices the prevalence of 11:11 code – sometimes called the awakening code.

If you are experiencing this phenomenon, know that you are not alone.

So what do repeating number mean?

There are numerous opinions as to what the numbers mean. Certainly, 11:11 is considered the awakening code, and is usually the first repeating number that people experience. When one is on their spiritual awakening, messages begin to bleed through from beyond the veil, recognizing the awakening – whether you like to think of ‘beyond the veil’ as your higher self, or guides or angels. As with any new communication, it commences with a ‘ping’ such as 11:11. Our noticing and acknowledgement of that message is our response, which opens further communication.

As far as other repeating numbers, there are many sources on the internet that give numerological descriptions of numbers and master numbers (such as 11, 22, 33 and so on). Not all sources will seem appropriate, so go with the ones that resonate with you and your belief system.

What to do when you see repeating numbers

Just like when I hear the onset of high pitched ringing in one or both of the ears, I acknowledge (in my mind – it does not have to be out loud) the repeating number. I take note of what I was doing and how I was feeling emotionally at the time, and compare this with my rudimentary understanding of numerology and master numbers. After a while, a pattern emerges that certain numbers appear with certain events, thoughts or emotions.

What happens next?

Once you begin to acknowledge repeating numbers (and thank your guides/angels/higher self), you will find that you notice more repeating numbers and other synchronicities will start to occur in your life.

As you open yourself to messages from beyond the veil, you will start to attract more guidance in your life that you will begin to interpret and understand in time. Patience is important, in that intuition is like any ‘skill’ you develop over time and improves the more you use it.

Final words

We are blessed to be living in a time where the veil is thinning and spiritual awakening is occurring on an incredible scale. When we live in gratitude and strive for unconditional love, we open ourselves to more of the synchronicities such as repeating numbers.