A confrontation of free will and divine timing


We are experiencing a confrontation of two powerful forces – that of free will, and of divine timing for change. This is being experienced both on a personal level and a global level, and the two are intertwined as the individual affects the collective consciousness and the collective consciousness cannot but be affected by each individual’s state of consciousness.

As sovereign beings of light that have chosen to embody in the flesh of the third dimension, we have free will. While the energies prompting humanity’s awakening continue and accelerate, we will find that choices becomes starker. That is not to say the choice becomes more urgent, because that would be limiting one’s thinking to linear time. No, the choice becomes more black and white, whether you think of it as service to self and service to others; light and dark, or love and the absence of love. There are always possible timelines because there is always free will; however, as low probability timelines collapse we arrive at fewer, contrasting timelines. The perception is one of polarization.

It is at this point that it is important to go within. The events of the world and society, and that happening even closer with friends and family, can be looked on as evidence of pending change in our worlds, and of course the external is a reflection of that which is going on within.

I would urge you all to spend time in contemplation and meditation. To visualize the future timeline you wish to manifest. To ground yourself and listen to Gaia, who is undergoing her own changes and looking for the support and love of her inhabitants. Truth and direction can always be found within. Remember that what we resists persists, so it is important to focus on what it is we want to see in Nova Gaia. When we focus on the negative, we give it energy and prolong its life.

We do indeed live in interesting times. May you be blessed, and choose wisely. xo

Between Two Worlds

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Trying times bring out the best and the worst in humanity. Being sovereign beings, we choose how we react to those times.

As our solar system traverses its grand cycle, we find ourselves again bathed in energies that we have not experienced for many, many lifetimes. These energies are manifesting as catalysts to shake us off the fence. That fence sits between two worlds … the old world of duality consciousness and a new world of unity consciousness.

It is true that these energies being experienced are of a higher vibration, and as such we would expect everyone to be lifted by the energies. But one of the effects of the light is to expose dark places that have been hidden from the light, and this gives the appearance of a world in turmoil. Brothers and sisters, this is just the inevitable chaos that is an intermission between the old and the new.

In the chaos, we are faced with numerous tests to show what world we wish to manifest. Do we meet hate with hate, or do we greet it with love? Do we allow ourselves to be overcome by fear of the unknown, or do we trust in the process we are undergoing? This may not necessarily be a conscious decision, and this is why we must bring it consciousness so that we are not influenced by the energies of others and those manipulating us through the human collective consciousness.

Every day we are faced with numerous small decisions (and maybe some large ones) that all contribute to the kind of world that each of us manifest. The more conscious we are of this, the more we are taking control of our own destiny, as well as feeding that back into the collective consciousness.

Trust your guides and higher self to navigate you through the maze.

May you always be blessed. xo

Shifting Consciousness

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Many young people are coming into this world fully or partially awake.

They are more likely to undergo a gentle awakening, rather than experiencing a catalyst in their lives that typically commences the awakening process for many of older generations. This is because (despite what mainstream media would have you believe), the world is now at a higher vibration and so the necessity for a catalyst to shake one out of deep sleep has diminished somewhat. The younger have not been incarnated in this life long enough to undergo all the conditioning that others have.

Although the younger are coming through with a different vibration of consciousness, they still carry ancestral signatures in their DNA and may have some clearing work to do, on behalf of themselves and their ancestors. But generally this level of work will be much less than those of previous generations.

We live in exciting times, do we not?

Empaths and the Collective Consciousness

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However you define it, many of us identify as empaths, in that we pick up on the energies [and emotions] of others.

A year ago I created this graphic and an article to explain the difference between protection (lessening the impact of other people’s energies and emotions in the first place) and grounding (getting rid of those energies picked up in our auric fields that are not ours) as I was seeing many empaths totally open to other’s energies and being adversely affected.

A year later, what I am seeing is people being impacted by the collective consciousness, which at this present time is being bombarded with negative messages, designed to create further division amongst communities, to put people in a place of fear and thus be receptive to certain agendas. Team dark is certainly working overtime at the moment.

For an empath, the impact of energies of the collective consciousness are no different to the energies of an individual, except it is harder to detach from because by our nature we are wired into the collective consciousness, being part of it and it being part of us.

Protection and grounding techniques are helpful. It is also beneficial to spend time in nature, and reduce exposure to mass media in particular.

Please use discernment with all messages and information, and consider the intent behind any such messages. Love is always the answer.

Blessings. xo

Polarization of the Human Psyche

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The question worth asking is WHY the human psyche, or collective consciousness, is polarizing now? Certainly, there are events being played out now that are polarizing people, and there is no doubt there are forces at hand that are engineering these events, who are themselves subject to the same energies we are all facing.

Again, I ask, why now.

We have had a massive influx of light of late (well, over a number of years now, and it keeps growing). Light of course casts a shadow, and forces the dark from hiding into full view. It is part of the process designed to assist us to grow.