Full Moon in Virgo March 2018

20180302 Full Moon in Virgo

The very nature of a full moon is that it creates a paradox of sorts, caused by the energies of two opposing forces. And this is how nature – the Universe – promotes growth in us, by presenting these opportunities.

With the Sun in Pisces, we have the Moon in opposition at 11 degrees Virgo.  Virgo lends itself to detailed analysis and logical thinking. However, the moon is about subconscious and emotions – those things that by nature defy logic and do not stand to reason. At least, not the reason we perceive from the third dimension.

More than any full moon, the Virgo full moon is the one not to indulge in over analysis, in particular relating to the emotional self. It would be best to distract one’s self in the height of these full moon energies, or to do the opposite and empty the analytical mind through meditation or creative pursuits.

With 24 hours of the precise full moon (i.e. while we are still well within the energies of this full moon), the Moon will oppose Neptune, Mercury and Venus which are also in Pisces, culminating with an opposition to Chiron (the wounded healer, and that which teaches us some of life’s toughest lessons). Chiron has an erratic orbit, so life lessons from Chiron are the things that come back to us unexpectedly.  The symbol for Chiron is a key, and for some on the spiritual path this may be the key they are looking for to progress their journey. For others will be the return/balancing of energies sent out to the Universe. Some may prefer to see this as triggers for soul contracts, or karmic balancing.

All this activity is taking place in Pisces and the twelfth house, both of which relate to service to others. The final sign and the final house. This is completion of a cycle, or, if the lessons have not been learnt, the setup of the cycle again. Be pure in thought and honorable in service, and most of all be forgiving and loving of the ego and the self.

The precise full moon is 11:52 am Melbourne time on Friday, 2nd March; which is 7:52 am Indochina time, 6:22 am India time and 12:52 am UK/GMT, and which is 7:52 pm Atlantic time and 4:52 pm Pacific time, all on Thursday 1st March.

Graphic generated from planetwatcher.com

Lunar New Year 2018


This Friday 16th February marks the Lunar New Year as celebrated in many parts of the world. We are commencing the year of man’s best friend (according to many people), the dog. It is also a New Moon with the Sun conjunct the Moon in Aquarius.

Just as with the calendar new year or the solar new year, the Lunar New Year has significance because of the importance that the collective consciousness [of humanity] place on it.

All forms of new year resonate with leaving the old behind and commencing new beginnings, so even if you personally and your culture does not celebrate the Lunar New Year, there is no reason why you cannot draw on the energetic resonance of the Lunar New Year to start something afresh.

Even if you are not in a position to make actual changes in your life, it is an appropriate time to make changes in your mindset. In reality, all changes in your life begin in thought before being manifest into this reality.

May you all be blessed with good fortune, robust health, abundance and grace. x