Full Moon in Gemini November 2018


While the Sun is keeping court with the majestic Jupiter in the early degrees of Sagittarius, the Moon is making a solitary pass through Gemini, and the full moon occurs just after the Moon enters the sign at 0’52 Gemini.

The Gemini archetype is the twins, and as such Gemini is a representation of the third dimension we are striving to Ascend from; the dimension of duality. Duality is merely two poles of the same degree, and in writing this I am drawn to reflecting on the Principle of Polarity, as documented for example in The Kybalion. Remember the representation of the Gemini twins generally shows the intertwined rather than opposing, reminding us that the perceived polarities are merely illusions; reflections of aspects of the self.

In symbology Gemini informs us that we always have a choice. And when we consider that we, and we alone are responsible for everything that we manifest, the liberty of choice can become one of a burden, because in our perfection we all have a measure of dark and light that seeks to be heard in the forum of the conscious mind, and so inner conflict is a natural result of this.

The increased vibration of the Gemini full moon can thus create inner conflict, which in turn can also lead to indecision and confusion. As the mind seeks to rationalize using the left hemisphere, the energy associated with the thoughts gets trapped around the head area, and can in turn lead to headaches, sleeplessness, vision issues and stomach issues. Depending on the tools that you like to use and work best for you, a few strategies include: chanting: aum to balance the two hemispheres of the brain; color therapy: using the color purple to dampen the effects of yellow (yellow represents the Solar Plexus Chakra and the left hemisphere); crystals: violet crystals such as amethyst; and of course grounding and lots of pure water to better move the energies through the body.

The full moon occurs at 4:37 pm Melbourne time on Friday 23rd November, , which is 12:37 pm Indochina time, 11:07 am India time, 5:37 am UK/GMT/UT, 12:37 am Eastern time all on Friday 23rd November, and 9:37 pm Pacific time on Thursday 22nd November.

May you be blessed as you contemplate this full moon and may it light all options available to you at every fork in the road. xo

Full Moon in Aquarius July 2018

alex groseth art2

Artwork by Alex Groseth

The Full Moon aspect is always one where we have the interaction of two opposing energies. The mastery comes in seeing the lessons and the opportunities for growth. This month the Sun and Moon stand-off at 4 degrees Leo and Aquarius respectively.

When Leo is in play, we always know the ego is not far away. So, a full Moon in Aquarius opposite the Sun in Leo is interesting in that we have the focus on self with the Sun in egoistic Leo, wanting the spotlight, while the Moon in Aquarius entices us to think of the other with themes of fraternity, idealism and humanitarianism.

For those on a spiritual path, and more importantly those on a positive spiritual path, the counsel this full moon is to keep the ego in check by focusing on the unity consciousness of our higher being and all that is. The path of service to others is one that is slowly replacing the materialism and self-indulgence that has been programmed and encouraged to the masses, at least it is with those that have the eyes to see. One must remember to never judge those not yet waking to their true being-ness. All things happen in divine timing.

Just an hour and a half before the precise full moon, the Moon passes over the currently retrograde Mars, also in Aquarius. At a time when emotions are already heightened, the aggression of Mars could cause some to feel agitated. Fore-warned is fore-armed, so observe yourself and mood triggers and practice non-attachment. These feelings will pass quickly as the moon moves quite fast through the horoscope.

The full moon is 6:20 am Melbourne time, 3:20 am Indochina time, and 1:50 am India time on Saturday 28th July, and 9:20 pm UK time, 8:20 pm UTC/GMT, 4:20 pm Eastern time and 1:20 pm Pacific time on Friday 27th July.

May you be blessed in your spiritual endeavors. x

Red Pill time – Full Moon in Sagittarius

20180530 Full Moon in Sagittarius

We are currently in a period of integration. You may feel that the screws have been loosened a little as the planetary bodies have spread out across the zodiac. The majority of planets concentrated mainly in a few signs has eased. In fact, with the exception of the Moon passing through Virgo and Libra on its way to the Sagittarius full moon, the two signs flanking the Descendant are void at present, and all other ten signs have some presence. This is what [should be] making things seem more balanced.

Regardless, as the event draws near, we all have much internal work to do, and while this effort should not cease, now is a good time to be re-charging the batteries.

The flavour of this full moon is one of adaptability and change, in that the Sun being in Gemini and the Moon in Sagittarius are both mutable signs, and mutable signs promote change and adaptability. To quote Charles Darwin “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”

The Sagittarian energy promotes the seeking of knowledge and ultimate truth, but we must take the first step. We may only find the truth through taking the Red Pill – i.e. the truth will appear only when we are prepared to see how far the rabbit hole goes. With truth comes change, and growth. A rule of manifestation is that you cannot manifest something new unless you think (and do) something new. You have to change something to expect a different outcome. The energy of change is waiting for you.

Expect to have notions and ideas challenge your belief systems. This is natural and it is part of growth during these momentous times. It is not a matter of change for change’s sake, and remember no-one has the right to tell you that your truth is wrong. But you can decide that certain belief systems or mental concepts no longer serve you.

Please remember, we experience a full moon about once a month. It is always beneficial to go with the flow of energies, but full moons help us to make baby steps, small course corrections if you like. Never expect your life to change totally on each full moon. A large ship takes a long time to change course.

The full moon is 12:20 am Melbourne time on Wednesday 30th May, which is 9:20 pm Indochina time, 7:50 pm India time, 3:20 pm UK time, 2:20 pm GMT/UT, 10:20 am  Eastern time and 7:20 am Pacific time on Tuesday 29th May.

May truth, humility and grace resonate through your every thought and action. xo


Full Moon in Scorpio April 2018

20180430 Full Moon in Scorpio

While a full moon is by definition an opposing of two energies, this full moon also features a precise square (i.e. less than one degree) of the Sun and Moon squaring the (Moon’s) North Node; and aspect needing consideration when understanding the energies coming from this full moon.

The Sun is at just under 10 degrees Taurus, illuminating the Moon in the eighth house of Scorpio. The eighth house resonates to a number of things including other people’s (i.e. partner’s) finances, self-control and self-discipline, and regarding the body it rules the anus and sex organs (think base chakra). Moon in Scorpio is about hiding emotions from the outside world … the proverbial duck gliding across a still pond, while underneath frantic activity is going on.

Fears, anxieties and emotions regarding finances (particularly those of others) have to be relaxed during this full moon. Be wary of constipation (which is a fear of letting go). In line with base chakra affirmations, maintain an understanding and belief that the Universe provides all the support that is required.

Emotions come in shades of grey and rarely are black and white such is the perception of the Scorpio moon. While the energies resonate with burying emotions and feelings, remember that being as open as possible can bring relief, without of course using this to attack or criticize another.

The interesting factor of this full moon is the North Node forming a precise square to the Sun and the Moon; a reasonably rare event. The North Node is generally regarded as relating to the future – more particularly that which we have to work on in the future – and a square to both the Sun and Moon during a full moon can be seen more of as a blending of the solar and lunar energies rather than a contest of two opposing forces. This is like the balance of male and female, yin and yang, left brain and right brain. Those on a spiritual path understand the endeavor for unity of mind, and of the unity of divine masculine with divine feminine. This aspect provides a glimpse of that, and used wisely can provide the individual with another step on their chosen path. The North Node being in Leo and the fifth house would indicate that creativity and self-expression (in any form) from the heart would be of purpose.

The full moon is 10:58 am Melbourne time, 7:58 am Indochina time, 6:28 am India time, 1:58 am UK time, and 12:58 am GMT/UT on Monday, 30th April, which is 8:58 pm Eastern time and 5:58 pm Pacific time on Sunday, 29th April.

Full moon blessings to you all. xo

Full Moon in Virgo March 2018

20180302 Full Moon in Virgo

The very nature of a full moon is that it creates a paradox of sorts, caused by the energies of two opposing forces. And this is how nature – the Universe – promotes growth in us, by presenting these opportunities.

With the Sun in Pisces, we have the Moon in opposition at 11 degrees Virgo.  Virgo lends itself to detailed analysis and logical thinking. However, the moon is about subconscious and emotions – those things that by nature defy logic and do not stand to reason. At least, not the reason we perceive from the third dimension.

More than any full moon, the Virgo full moon is the one not to indulge in over analysis, in particular relating to the emotional self. It would be best to distract one’s self in the height of these full moon energies, or to do the opposite and empty the analytical mind through meditation or creative pursuits.

With 24 hours of the precise full moon (i.e. while we are still well within the energies of this full moon), the Moon will oppose Neptune, Mercury and Venus which are also in Pisces, culminating with an opposition to Chiron (the wounded healer, and that which teaches us some of life’s toughest lessons). Chiron has an erratic orbit, so life lessons from Chiron are the things that come back to us unexpectedly.  The symbol for Chiron is a key, and for some on the spiritual path this may be the key they are looking for to progress their journey. For others will be the return/balancing of energies sent out to the Universe. Some may prefer to see this as triggers for soul contracts, or karmic balancing.

All this activity is taking place in Pisces and the twelfth house, both of which relate to service to others. The final sign and the final house. This is completion of a cycle, or, if the lessons have not been learnt, the setup of the cycle again. Be pure in thought and honorable in service, and most of all be forgiving and loving of the ego and the self.

The precise full moon is 11:52 am Melbourne time on Friday, 2nd March; which is 7:52 am Indochina time, 6:22 am India time and 12:52 am UK/GMT, and which is 7:52 pm Atlantic time and 4:52 pm Pacific time, all on Thursday 1st March.

Graphic generated from planetwatcher.com

Full Moon in Cancer and New Year 2018

2018 Cat

We cannot examine this full moon without giving due consideration of its proximity to the new year, and the vibrational change that goes from a ‘1’ year of 2017 (2+0+1+7=10=1) to a master number 11 year (2+0+1+8=11), or for those on a lower vibration, 2. In reality for most of us it is likely to be a combination of both 11 and the 2. Kryon tells us the meaning of master number 11 is illumination, while number 2 is about duality. Is it not ironic that illumination leads to a to rise above duality, to the truth that all is one and duality is merely a veil? My personal wish is that in 2018 we shall see many more awakening to the truth of reality, and raise the vibration of our collective human consciousness as we approach Ascension.

Back to the heavenly bodies … the Full Moon is on its lonesome in its home sign of Cancer while the Sun in Capricorn is accompanied by Saturn, Venus and Pluto. Cancer and Capricorn are the traditional rulers of the 4th and 10th houses, surfacing emotions relating to parent/child relationships and unfinished business. Remember as these emotions arise, our level of consciousness is important. If we see this as an opportunity to face unresolved issues rather than just the opening of old wounds for a little more blood-letting, the journey can be both productive and maybe a little less painful. It is no coincidence that the aspect dealing with family relationships always comes up around the time of the year when festivities of the season see us spending more time with family or thinking about family. Some may feel they cannot face family issue because the other party has passed over. Please be aware that the tool for resolution is forgiveness, and you do not need your forgiveness accepted, for that is conditional. You just need to forgive, unconditionally – however hard that can be, forgiveness heals you.

Venus is currently in a very close conjunct with the Sun in Capricorn. As Venus has an orbit of 225 days and is closing in on the Sun from 2 degrees away, it will form a precise conjunct around a week after the full moon before it slowly starts to pull away. As a planet conjuncts the Sun, the Sun (ego) is affected by that planetary influence, and we know Venus is the planet of beauty and attraction. Attraction from the ego can be fleeting so early January is not the time to rush into any commitment based on attraction, nor to make impulse purchases.

Two weeks after this full moon, around the new moon, Capricorn is hosting the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Pluto.  This will be an excellent time to progress with life; the area of life will be specific to what house Capricorn falls in on your personal chart. Needless to say, it will be a time to go with the flow and take opportunities as they arise, and apply the effort to reach a desired outcome.

The full moon is 1:24 pm Australian EDST, 10:24 am Indochina time, 7:54 am India time, 2:24 am UK/GMT/UTC on Tuesday 2nd January, which in the Americas will be 9:24 pm Eastern time and 6:24 pm Pacific time on Monday 1st January.

May the New Year bring you all blessings of health, happiness and abundance.

Mercury Retrograde December 2017

Mercury Retrograde December 2017

Not all Mercury retrogrades are the same.  In fact, every one has different energetic influences on us.  Certainly, there are common Mercurian themes of which we are all becoming aware: issues with technology such as phones and computers (make sure you back things up), unforeseen events with travel plans, caution advised with negotiating and signing contracts. Just to name a few.

To more fully understand the potentials of the Mercury retrograde, we also have to take into consideration some other influences; namely what was happening in our lives during the shadow before the Mercury retrograde, and the sign(s) in which Mercury is retrograding.

Back in mid-November, we started the shadow period of this Mercury retrograde (the shadow period is the part of the zodiac Mercury will traverse back to during the retrograde). Mercury was in the middle of Sagittarius, and the Sun was in Scorpio. Mercury then spent time progressing to the end of Sagittarius before its retrograde station on December 2nd or 3rd, depending on where you live. It will then pass back to the middle of Sagittarius again before going direct station on December 22nd or 23rd, just after the December solstice and the Sun moving into Capricorn.

Mercury Retrograde Shadow Period

Do you remember what has been happening in your life over the past few weeks during the Mercury retrograde shadow period? Perhaps you keep a journal, in which case the job is a bit easier, but it is always of benefit to revise this shadow period, as it will to an extent be replayed, giving you the option to take a slightly different path, or repair broken fences, or maybe just learn what it is you were supposed to learn. If you had made a decision haphazardly during this shadow time, you may get a chance to revise that during the coming retrograde. If you did not consider something you should have, consider it now.


Sagittarius is a mutable sign, which makes us open to change. Sagittarius is also a carefree sign, so with a retrograding Mercury in Sagittarius we may be convinced of things a little easier. This has to be a red flag … we are more likely during this Mercury retrograde to be persuaded easily, as thinking takes a back seat. Maybe the salesperson can more easily relieve us of our funds for some Christmas presents. Maybe the utilities representative can more easily convince us to switch providers. The counsel here is to pause, breathe deeply and slowly, be patient and think things through.

Key energetic dates during the December Mercury Retrograde

During a retrograde cycle, the energy is at its strongest when the planet is at its [apparent] slowest, which is the station – i.e. it appears to slow down then stop before changing direction, and the changing of energy has the most dramatic effect. So the periods of 2nd and 3rd December, and again at 22nd and 23rd December are potentials for Mercury to have its greatest influence.

We also have the period around the 12:12 portal, where Mercury will traverse back past the Sun at around 21 degrees Sagittarius. This can be a period of lucidity and expanding one’s consciousness for those seekers of truth and spirituality.

Finally, we have the December solstice (the Sun appearing to stand still) just before the  Mercury direct station (Mercury appearing to stand still before going direct again). The veil is thinner at this time of the year, so the potential is there for further spiritual growth and out of the ordinary experiences.

Be blessed in all your pursuits. x

Full Moon in Gemini December 2017

full moon gemini 2017 contemplation smaller

Sagittarius is packed full of planets during this full moon with the Sun, Mercury (now in retrograde in the last degree of Sagittarius), Venus and Saturn all passing through the sign. As these planets collectively influence more aspects of our lives, the feel is very Sagittarian … a carefree time to throw away (or maybe just relax) the routine of life. Also, the tight Saturn-Mercury conjunct will make us a little cautious in communication with others.

This is all a backdrop for the Sun opposing the Moon at almost 12 degrees Gemini. This full moon, and the period hence through the 12:12 gateway  to the December solstice , is the time to let go of aspects of the self that you do not want to take forward into 2018. A Gemini full moon facilitates this by allowing us to see both sides of the equation (i.e. the twins) to make choices. Gemini is duality and as such it is appropriate to be in two minds about what we want.

While it is true we have both light and dark within us, the one that flourishes is the one we feed. And so it is with choices – that which we agree to bless and leave behind in 2017 will remain a lesson in the past, while that which we embrace will manifest as our future.

The typical depiction of Gemini is the twins intertwined (rather than opposing), reminding us that the other is part of the whole, merely reflecting aspects of self like a mirror. It is always easier to see our faults in others than it is to see in ourselves.

On a wider scale, the Gemini twins represent duality in this heavy dimension where energy is polarized – light/dark, good/bad, right/wrong, internal/external. Everything is of course an illusion, viewed through the clouded lens of humanity, but necessary to provide choices from free will. In everything we experience, there is always a choice as to how we choose to react. This is a time to contemplate those choices.

DSCN7591_insetFor the crystal tragics like myself, I have included a picture of one of my crystals . It is Cassiterite in Quartz. What I find interesting (and related to the post) is the two Gemini carnival-like faces, or masks, which I have highlighted in the inset in the photo. The smiling and the frowning … two sides of the same coin.

Curiously, I acquired this piece a few years ago when the Sun was in the middle of Gemini.

The full moon occurs at 2:45 am Melbourne time on Monday 4th December, which is 10:45 pm Indochina time, 9:15 pm India time, 3:45 pm UK/GMT/UTC, and for our friends in the Americas 10:45 Atlantic (Eastern) time, and 7:45 am Pacific (Western) time, all on Sunday 3rd December.

May you be blessed as you contemplate this full moon and may it light all options available to you at every fork in the road. xo

Full Moon in Taurus November 2017


Some say the effects of the full moon last for up to one and a half days before and after the precise full moon. Given the speed at which the Moon passes through the horoscope, the energies of the full moon quickly dissipate as the moon moves off the precision of the opposition to the Sun. Interestingly though, this month the Moon is in Taurus for one and a half days after the precise full moon, so I suspect the feelings of this full moon will last for that long.  The Moon then forms an opposition to Mercury (headspace) in the last degree of Virgo before slipping into Libra as it wanes towards the new moon.

The signs of the zodiac are divided into quadruplicities (groups of 4) and these roughly follow the seasons. We have a cardinal, a fixed, and a mutable sign in each season. This month,  we have fixed signs in action – the Sun in Scorpio and the Moon in Taurus.

Some of the perceived stubbornness of Taurus comes from the fixed nature of the sign. I prefer to think of this as self-determination (though I have no doubt that the Taureans I know can oft be described as stubborn!), and a willingness and strength to see things through. As such, this full moon is not the time to pontificate or set a new direction, but rather a time to keep working towards a goal. Remember that emotions and ego are always stronger on a full moon: be careful not to railroad others in your determination; rather, offer to take them on your journey if you must.

If you are caught up in emotions, be assured that common sense returns when Mercury opposes the Moon a day and a half after the precise full moon.

The other strong aspect of this full moon is Venus in Libra opposing Uranus in Aries. The reason this is of significance is the precision of the aspect (about one minute off exact opposition at the time of the full moon).  Venus is the ruler of Libra so the themes of harmony, beauty and pleasure are strong, opposed by Uranus (the unusual) in Aries. Your appreciation of beauty in all things is enhanced. Perhaps it is a time where we appreciate the beauty and pleasure in that which is different. When we learn to see as such, beauty is in all things, however well camouflaged to the filters of the ego and conscious mind.

The precise full moon is 4:23 pm Melbourne time, 12:23 pm Indochina time, 10:53 am India time, 5:23 am UT/GMT/UK time, and 1:23 am Atlantic (Eastern time) on Saturday 4th November, and 10:23 pm Pacific time on Friday 3rd November.

May you be blessed in all your pursuits.

Full Moon in Aries October 2017

20171006 Full Moon in Aries

The monkey mind is in action this full moon, so don’t be surprised if meditation and contemplation is harder than usual.

The Sun is sitting in Libra with a very close conjunct to Mercury, and they both oppose the Moon at 12 degrees Aries.

Aries is the traditional first house of the zodiac, and it is the sign of the self. The lunar influence is that of the emotions and the subconscious mind. So, a Moon in Aries always draws our thoughts to the inner self, but with Mercury – the second-fastest orbit of the celestial spheres after the Moon – we get impatient and caught in the mind.

Be wary of and avoid triggers that would impact the nervous system. Avoid stress where possible, and ensure adequate sleep. Do not overthink, but counter the Mercury impatience by thinking before reacting.

The Aries full moon occurs at 5:40 am Melbourne time, 1:40 am Indochina time, and 12:10 am India time on Friday 6th October, and 8:40 pm Western Europe time, 7:40 pm UK time, 6:40 pm UTC/GMT, 2:40 pm Atlantic time, and 11:40am Pacific time, all on Thursday, 5th October.

May you be blessed at all times.