A confrontation of free will and divine timing


We are experiencing a confrontation of two powerful forces – that of free will, and of divine timing for change. This is being experienced both on a personal level and a global level, and the two are intertwined as the individual affects the collective consciousness and the collective consciousness cannot but be affected by each individual’s state of consciousness.

As sovereign beings of light that have chosen to embody in the flesh of the third dimension, we have free will. While the energies prompting humanity’s awakening continue and accelerate, we will find that choices becomes starker. That is not to say the choice becomes more urgent, because that would be limiting one’s thinking to linear time. No, the choice becomes more black and white, whether you think of it as service to self and service to others; light and dark, or love and the absence of love. There are always possible timelines because there is always free will; however, as low probability timelines collapse we arrive at fewer, contrasting timelines. The perception is one of polarization.

It is at this point that it is important to go within. The events of the world and society, and that happening even closer with friends and family, can be looked on as evidence of pending change in our worlds, and of course the external is a reflection of that which is going on within.

I would urge you all to spend time in contemplation and meditation. To visualize the future timeline you wish to manifest. To ground yourself and listen to Gaia, who is undergoing her own changes and looking for the support and love of her inhabitants. Truth and direction can always be found within. Remember that what we resists persists, so it is important to focus on what it is we want to see in Nova Gaia. When we focus on the negative, we give it energy and prolong its life.

We do indeed live in interesting times. May you be blessed, and choose wisely. xo

The Potential of Equinox Energies

equinox March 2016

What to expect from this March Equinox?

Each of us is on a journey. The path we take, and the distance we have travelled, are as distinct as our fingerprints. Portals like this equinox assist us in our journey; but the effects are as many and varied as there are individuals.

It is not hard to see that there are vast changes permeating the worlds of politics, finance, religion – in fact all facets of life. Chaos is often the harbinger of change; to be followed in this instance by peace.

These macro patterns in the world are being repeated on a micro level for each one of us. Some are in a state of chaos in one or many parts of their lives; others are taking their journey with relative ease and grace. Whatever you are experiencing is right for you at this point in time.

An equinox is an enabling energy to progress each of us further on our path … if we allow it (and even if we don’t, in reality). It can give us a big push. Like riding a wave when swimming to shore – we are always coming in but it provides a push. A wave is a good example because we all know how hard it is to swim against a current, but we can move very quickly going with the flow. Regardless, some will swim against the current.

As with any boost in energies, there can be physical symptoms manifesting as they energy ‘does its stuff’ on us. Headaches, vertigo, a little dizziness and ringing in the ears are not uncommon as the energies penetrate and re-wire the upper chakras. Minor pains in the lower organs, as well as anxiety may be experienced as the energies penetrate the lower chakras. Personally I am feeling this one in the heart chakra.

It is not uncommon for painful emotions and recurrent patterns of behavior from the past to rise during this time. If this is the case for you, know this is part of your healing and that emotional events from the past arise to be acknowledged and released, and not to be relived. Try not to engage in the emotion and allow it to exit your etheric field.

As always, drink plenty of fresh water, get in nature wherever possible, rest, and be in acceptance and gratitude of this divine process. Use whatever tools you think are appropriate for you; whether meditation, yoga, creative/artistic persuits, energy work. And ask for help from your your guides and Ascension team.

The precise moment of the Marc Equinox occurs on Sunday 20th March at 3:30 pm Melbourne time, 11:30 am Indochina time, 10:00 am India time, 4:30 am UK/GMT/UT, and 12:30 am Atlantic time; which will be 9:30 Pacific time on Saturday 19th.

Blessings at this time from my heart to yours. May you shine bright and be a beacon of love, light and healing. xo

Polarization of the Human Psyche

polarization and balance text

The question worth asking is WHY the human psyche, or collective consciousness, is polarizing now? Certainly, there are events being played out now that are polarizing people, and there is no doubt there are forces at hand that are engineering these events, who are themselves subject to the same energies we are all facing.

Again, I ask, why now.

We have had a massive influx of light of late (well, over a number of years now, and it keeps growing). Light of course casts a shadow, and forces the dark from hiding into full view. It is part of the process designed to assist us to grow.