Full Moon in Taurus November 2017


Some say the effects of the full moon last for up to one and a half days before and after the precise full moon. Given the speed at which the Moon passes through the horoscope, the energies of the full moon quickly dissipate as the moon moves off the precision of the opposition to the Sun. Interestingly though, this month the Moon is in Taurus for one and a half days after the precise full moon, so I suspect the feelings of this full moon will last for that long.  The Moon then forms an opposition to Mercury (headspace) in the last degree of Virgo before slipping into Libra as it wanes towards the new moon.

The signs of the zodiac are divided into quadruplicities (groups of 4) and these roughly follow the seasons. We have a cardinal, a fixed, and a mutable sign in each season. This month,  we have fixed signs in action – the Sun in Scorpio and the Moon in Taurus.

Some of the perceived stubbornness of Taurus comes from the fixed nature of the sign. I prefer to think of this as self-determination (though I have no doubt that the Taureans I know can oft be described as stubborn!), and a willingness and strength to see things through. As such, this full moon is not the time to pontificate or set a new direction, but rather a time to keep working towards a goal. Remember that emotions and ego are always stronger on a full moon: be careful not to railroad others in your determination; rather, offer to take them on your journey if you must.

If you are caught up in emotions, be assured that common sense returns when Mercury opposes the Moon a day and a half after the precise full moon.

The other strong aspect of this full moon is Venus in Libra opposing Uranus in Aries. The reason this is of significance is the precision of the aspect (about one minute off exact opposition at the time of the full moon).  Venus is the ruler of Libra so the themes of harmony, beauty and pleasure are strong, opposed by Uranus (the unusual) in Aries. Your appreciation of beauty in all things is enhanced. Perhaps it is a time where we appreciate the beauty and pleasure in that which is different. When we learn to see as such, beauty is in all things, however well camouflaged to the filters of the ego and conscious mind.

The precise full moon is 4:23 pm Melbourne time, 12:23 pm Indochina time, 10:53 am India time, 5:23 am UT/GMT/UK time, and 1:23 am Atlantic (Eastern time) on Saturday 4th November, and 10:23 pm Pacific time on Friday 3rd November.

May you be blessed in all your pursuits.