Ascension Message

hit the jackpot mefs

The opportunity for Ascension, though always a possibility to every human being in every lifetime, does not present itself on a scale where the energies promote mass Ascension as we see now.

So many cultures and religions portend these precise times, and for those that have wiped the sleep from their eyes, they can see evidence of the divine plan in action.

The potential for spiritual advancement is immense, and as such one can consider themselves fortunate to be living in these end times.

Though part of a greater cycle that we cannot adequately comprehend, the end of one age and the beginning of another brings with it chaos and resistance. This can be seen on a world scale, and also manifests physically and emotionally within each human being, whether they are aware of it or not.

Be mindful of the bigger picture and much of the fear associated with the present moment dissipates. Replace that fear with thoughts of unconditional love, and faith that all is as it should be. Remember that everything happens in the spiritual and energetic realm before it manifests in the physical realm of the yellow ray. What you are waiting for has already happened.

May you all be blessed. xo

Full Moon in Capricorn July 2016

20160719 full moon in capricorn mefs

The Sun in Cancer is illuminating the Moon at 27 degrees Capricorn. Time to get your goat on!

When Capricorn lends its energy to a Full Moon, we find ourselves results oriented. The Capricorn goat loves to set goals and has the determination to achieve those goals. Being an earth sign, we don’t shoot for the stars; rather we aim for completing those tasks where we have to put our nose to the grindstone and apply self-discipline. For those that have been feeling stuck, it is a good time to set manageable, tangible goals and start moving forward, step by step.

It also may be a good time to bring up delicate subjects with others, as Capricorn energy is tactful. Full Moons generally raise the emotional scale somewhat, but earth signs and the Capricorn diplomacy make this a bit of an exception. The Moon will be in Capricorn for another four hours after the precise full moon but don’t leave things too long because then the moon then falls into Aquarius, and then we vary airy energy and aloofness – not so good for communication.

The full moon is 8:59 am Melbourne time, 5:59 am Indochina time, and 4:29 am India time on Wednesday 20th July, and 10:59 pm GMT/UT, 11:59 UK time, 6:59 pm Eastern/Atlantic time and 3:59 pm Pacific time on Tuesday 19th July.

May your journey be blessed, always. xo

Focus on the NOW moment


Now more than ever it is necessary to focus on the now moment.

Distractions of daily life have created a habit where we do a number of things at once, or do certain things on auto pilot – not really focusing on the task at hand as there is so much more stimulus to absorb.

If this is you, you may find that things are getting a little harder.

You may find that your mind is becoming prone to lapses of concentration and memory, and you may be seeing or hearing more than the normal spectrum of sight and sound for a human. You may be finding you drop things, get dizzy, have bouts of vertigo, forget where you are going or what you are doing. These things happen momentary and then you feel ‘normal’ again.

This is all caused by a fluctuation in your vibrational rate, which itself is caused by your body adapting to energetic variations; both within and external. While you may not notice a momentary vibrational variation in your elbow or your stomach, you will notice it in your mind and the senses that feed into your mind. Thus the reason for these symptoms manifesting at this time.

Grounding always helps by assisting the body to dissipate energies down into Mother Earth. Meditation helps because stilling the mind and limiting sensory input allows the mind to adapt. Water also helps with flow by assisting to conduct energy flow.

Most of all, whatever you are doing and whenever you do it, try to give your full attention to the task at hand.

May you be blessed, always. xo