The Wave of the Equinox Energy


For those on the path of spiritual enlightenment, there is some perspective as to what is going on. It is generally understood that the Ascension process involves the clearing of energetic constructs from within that no longer serve our own or the higher good. And as one layer is relinquished, we delve into another, more complex layer. It sometimes feels a lot like playing a game, where each level requires a little mastery than the last.

Spare a brief thought for those not yet on the path. It would be so much harder to make sense of the symptoms of a planet undergoing its own Ascension, let alone the personal upheaval as wave after wave of energy turns things upside down. We must always view others from the heart and not from the eyes, as it is from there we can find compassion for the plight of others, and offer a light through the fog of confusion.

September continues to be an ‘interesting’ month. We have already experienced a partial eclipse new moon and full moon, and let us not forget the 999 portal(s).

We are now at the cusp of the September equinox – Fall for those in the Northern Hemisphere, and Spring for those like myself in the Southern Hemisphere. At the time of the equinox, the Sun will move from Virgo into Libra. The Sun is directly opposite the start of the zodiac and commences its return journey, just like a full moon beginning to wane to the next new moon.

Equinox energy is a wave of enabling energy, and it propels us on our path. It gives us momentum. That momentum may be the push to get us out of a rut, or the push to make a necessary change that brings us further to our purpose. Maybe it will be the spark in the soul that will trigger a new awakening. Maybe it takes us to the next level.

Like riding a wave when swimming to shore – we are always coming in but it provides a push. We all know how hard it is to swim against a current, but we can move very quickly going with the flow. Regardless, some will swim against the current.

It is not uncommon for painful emotions and recurrent patterns of behavior from the past to rise during this time. If this is the case for you, know this is part of your healing and that emotional events from the past arise to be acknowledged and released, and not to be relived. Try not to engage in the emotion and allow it to exit your auric field.

As always, drink plenty of fresh water, get in nature wherever possible, rest, and be in acceptance and gratitude of this divine process. Use whatever tools you think are appropriate for you; whether meditation, yoga, creative/artistic pursuits, energy work. And ask for help from your guides and Ascension team.

For those wishing to be in meditation at the precise moment of the equinox, the following times are all for Thursday, September 22nd:

2:21 pm GMT, 3:21 pm UK time, 4:21 pm Western Europe time, 7:51 pm India time, 9:21 pm Indochina time, and for the Americas that is 10:21 am Atlantic time and 7:21 am Pacific time.

Note that in my home town Melbourne and the Australian eastern seaboard it will be 12:21 am on Friday 23rd September.

Equinox is a time for love, and during this time I open my heart chakra to spread unconditional love to the North, to the South, to the East, to the West, above and below, and all points in-between. May you be blessed. xo

Pisces Full Moon September 2016


This full moon sees the Virgo Sun illuminating the Moon at 24 degrees Pisces. While the full moon is itself the culmination of a cycle, Pisces is also the last sign of the zodiac and the moon in Pisces is thus the completion of a cycle through the twelve signs. Completion of cycles is always a good time to take stock of where we are at and let go of all that no longer serves.

This full moon differs from last year’s Pisces full moon for a number of reasons:

  • Firstly, last year’s Pisces full moon occurred in late August, while this one is mid-September and very close to the September equinox; which itself is a powerful vortex of energy offering opportunity for release and change.
  • Secondly, Mars enters the foray of this full moon being square to the Sun and the Moon. So we have the Moon in Pisces, Sun in Virgo, and Mars in Sagittarius. Pisces, Virgo and Sagittarius are all Mutable signs, meaning a key theme here is mutability, or change. Mars is about action, fire in the belly, confrontation, aggression. So don’t expect a quiet weekend of processing the energies of this full moon – if you try, you will feel restless.

Given the Mars aspect is square to both the Sun and Moon, some of us may experience the need for change through confrontation (the other acting as a mirror to reflect that within ourselves that we need to examine), and given the September equinox a few days later, we could see this period of upheaval and change outlasting the lunar full moon, possibly amplified during and after the equinox, effecting further change.

The Pisces full moon occurs at 5:07 am Melbourne time, 2:07 am Indochina time, and 12:37 am India time, all on Saturday 17 September. This is 9:07 pm Western Europe time, 8:07 pm UK time, 7:07 pm UTC/GMT, 3:07 pm Atlantic time, and 12:07 am Pacific time, on Friday September 16.

Remember that we grow though change, and our guides and higher self are always there for support. xo

Energetic cleansing using the elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air


There is something very primal about using the elements to cleanse our energetic bodies. Given we are made from the same matter as Mother Earth, utilizing the four physical elements is a way of connecting us back to our roots. And one does not have to be in the middle of a forest to utilize the power of the elements … for someone like myself who lives in a city, utilizing the four elements for cleansing the energetic body helps maintain a connection with and grounding to Gaia.

Cleansing of the energetic body should be a daily ritual. Our interaction with others and with locations and objects holding energetic fields means that the purity and balance of our energetic bodies are constantly compromised, so a regular practice of cleansing is needed for optimum spiritual, mental and physical health.

Etheric beings of the elements

Each element has etheric beings – or elementals – that are associated with it. In different cultures and traditions these elements have different names, but some of the more common are the Slyphs of Air, and the Salamanders of Fire, the Undines of Water, and the Gnomes of Earth. When working with a particular element, calling on the relevant elementals further assists in the cleansing. Be sure to offer your thanks to the elementals at the end of the ceremony.

Note with the methods below, they can also be used to cleanse objects. I use them to periodically cleanse crystals; but they can also be used for any possessions that you may feel are in need of cleansing. Also, anything you acquire, new or old, should always be cleansed of any energy that may be present from someone else who may have handled, made or owned the object. This is especially relevant for anything close to your person such as clothing and jewellery.

The Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air


  • Stand barefoot on the ground. Imagine there are roots coming emanating from the soles of your feet going deep down into the earth. Ask the earth to take any negative energies from your being deep down into Gaia.
  • Plant life has roots into the earth. Hug a tree, or sit against a tree and allow the tree to be your conduit to take the negative energies from your being into the earth.



  • Immerse yourself in water, preferably flowing water as the flow takes away the unwanted energies from your energetic field.
  • Swim in a stream or an ocean.
  • While having a shower, feel the water washing your energy field clean.
  • Stand in the rain (preferably barefoot on the ground).



  • Allow your body to be exposed to an appropriate amount of sunlight.
  • Light a fire and allow the warmth to radiate to your body.
  • Use the light and the flame from a candle (at an appropriate distance) for meditation – allow yourself to ‘enter’ the flame and be purified, as alchemists have done for generations.

Note: all elements should be respected, but always be careful with fire, and never leave a fire unattended.



Air: Heart Chakra

  • On a windy day, allow the air element to blow away any negative energies from your energetic field.
  • Focussed breathing techniques (I often practice the alternate nostril breathing using a guided meditation) bring your full focus to the self and the element of air.
  • Work with feathers to utilize the air element and use the direction of the feather to move the air over yourself or an object.


Bīja of each element

Each of the four elements also has a single syllable mantra (or bīja) that resonates to it. Using this sound creates a strong resonance with the element, and will assist in cleansing. Note that many people misunderstand these sounds as relating to the four lower chakras of the seven chakra system in the body; however this is not entirely correct. These sounds resonate to each of the elements that are associated to each of the four lower chakras.

The sound for the Earth element is LAM, which is generally associated with the base chakra.

The sound for the Water element is VAM, which is generally associated with the sacral chakra.

The sound for the Fire element is RAM, which is generally associated with the solar plexus chakra.

The sound for the Air element is YAM, which is generally associated with the heart chakra.

These sounds can be used by themselves to work with a particular element, or can be used with the methods listed above. As you repeatedly chant the bīja, do not rush the sound. Listen to it and feel it penetrate every cell of your body. When used with objects, say the bīja over the object and allow the sound and your breath (carrying the energy of the bīja) to cleanse the object.


One of the most effective methods that I like to use is smudging, as the smudging ceremony includes all of the four elements: the plant material (earth element) in an abalone shell (water element) is being burned (fire element), creating smoke (air). Be sure to return the ashes to the earth after the smudging.

It is all about Intent

We are already attuned to the elements, and the symbolism of using the elements, is to focus our intent on them to boost the effect.

May your energy be clear and your path be one of ease and grace.

The 999 portal


As sovereign beings of free will, every single moment in time is an opportunity for further spiritual enlightenment. However, at certain points in space and time, the energies are in alignment offering accelerated growth, depending on intent and the level of individual consciousness.

Once such moment is pending with the 9-9-9 portal. The energy of this portal is generated by the human consciousness, and will peak on the ninth day of the ninth month of the year 2016, which is a nine year.

Numerologically, the number 9 is about releasing the old to make way for the new. It is about endings, and the natural culmination of a cycle. It is also about the Universe forcing change through endings.

Be willing to accept that nothing lasts; that there is a time for all things to end, and it is the natural way of things.

Be confident that it is only through releasing the old that something better may manifest.

Be joyous that every old belief system that is let go brings one step closer to the truth.

Be understanding that every tightly held material possession that is surrendered is one less anchor to the energies of the old dimension, and a step closer to Ascension.

Most of all, be blessed. Always. xo