Be Open To Change

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It is important to be open to change and go with its flow. It is important to not resist the inevitable.

When we resist change, it is from a place of fear. And we know that fear lowers our vibration. So, when we resist anything through fear of change, we lock ourselves into the lower energy vibration of that which we do not want to change. Inadvertently, we change this for the worse.

The Universe is always on the move. Always changing. Being open to change is aligning yourself with the nature of the Universe. This is not the same as making change for change’s sake. Rather, it is allowing the release of that which no longer serves, releasing that which holds us back, and being open to the new entering our lives.

The energies of change are permeating all and everything. Expect a ramp-up of those energies in September as we progress through this ‘9’ year of endings, and head for the ‘1’ year of 2017 and new beginnings.

May you all be blessed. xo

Full Moon in Aquarius August 2016

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I always look forward to the Aquarian Full Moon as the energies radiated are that of individuality and originality. It is a reminder that we are here to be unique sparks of the creator experiencing this reality. We are human snowflakes.

It is indeed a curious thing that society encourages conformity, but evolution and progress is best served by originality and diversity.

The Leo Sun illuminating the Moon at 25 degrees Aquarius gives us license to be that individual that we all seek to be, when we are less concerned about what others think of us.

Aquarian energy also gives us a strong Service to Others impetus. My wish for this full moon is for a [re]birth of inventions to assist all of humanity.

Full moons are often emotional times, so deep and meaningfuls are not recommended. Perhaps this is more so on this Full Moon where the aloofness of the Aquarian is in play.

The full moon is 7:29 pm Melbourne time, 4:29 pm Indochina time, 2:59 pm India time, 9:29 am GMT/Zulu/Universal time, 10:29 am UK time, and in the Americas 5:29 am Atlantic time and 2:29 am Pacific time, all on Thursday 18th August.

May we all find the drive, the strength and the support to be our individual selves. Blessings. xo

When you look in the mirror, your ego looks back at you

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When you look in the mirror, your do not see your true self. In fact, in 3D you cannot adequately perceive your true self. What you are seeing is a version of self as filtered through the lens of your ego. When you look in the mirror, your ego looks back at you.

If the ego is not the true self, what is the ego?

The ego is a collection of mental constructs that we have learnt, inherited or experienced that creates a persona through which we interact with the world, just as our physical bodies are merely a temporary vehicle for the soul to experience a very dense version of reality. Our physical bodies create an illusion of separation from all that is, and the ego creates a similar mental separation as the identification of self.

As we do the hard work on the ego, the lens through which we perceive the world clears and we see more of truth and reality. We also perceive ourselves with truth and clarity.

On a spiritual path, one is often counselled to work on the ego, to silence the ego, or to drop the ego. The most important aspect of ego work is to understand that everything that we experience in 3D is filtered through the ego. While we can never totally eliminate the ego while in this dimension, raising our vibration allows us to work towards mastery of the ego, and mastery of self.

May you journey lead you to truth and clarity. xo

Manifesting … why you always get what you ask for


Many think that manifestation is something that only happens with focused intent; but the fact is that you are manifesting constantly. Everything you experience is a product of manifestation possibly through conscious and purposeful intent, but usually subconscious intent. The Universe supports free will by manifesting energy into matter, but where the Universe receives mixed messages, the result is often less than optimal (in fact, it is always what is requested). This is where long held, embedded beliefs clash with conscious wants of the present.

As an example, imagine you wanted a happy, loving and lasting relationship but such a relationship has eluded you to date. Maybe you have an embedded belief system deep within that says that relationships never last, or maybe there is a belief that you are not worthy of such a relationship or you have nothing to give in such a relationship. These perspectives are often learned earlier in life – many of these belief systems develop in early childhood through learned or observed behavior, yet they continue to influence our adult life to a significant degree.

So, you set out to ask the Universe. Unless that underlying belief system is addressed beforehand, the mixed message you send the Universe will produce a mixed result – a result that most likely reinforce the underlying belief system, which is the stronger, more embedded belief.

Therefore, if we want to change the outcome of something (i.e. if we want to jump to a more favorable timeline with a different result; after all that is all a timeline is), it is necessary to do some work on the underlying beliefs. Often, we take these for granted and possibly never consider or challenge them, as they are regarded as ‘us’ – the ego.

There is only one good time to do this, and that is in the now moment. A certain amount of reflection is required to consider why if we are indeed manifesting all the time, that whatever it is you desire has not manifested to date. Behind this will be an embedded belief system waiting to be challenged and possibly released.

There are two tools I would like to touch on here – affirmations and crystals.

Affirmations work by slowly working on the subconscious mind to reprogram certain beliefs. Thinking of the example above, a good affirmation might be “I am, and always have been worthy of lasting and loving relationships”. You may notice the “and always have been” in the statement. This is important and is to help the mind interpret the past through a more positive lens.

Crystals work by amplifying and carrying intent. Be sure to treat with respect the exercise of empowering a crystal with intent, and ensure the crystal is cleansed beforehand. If you are wondering which crystal to use for manifestation, by default I would always suggest a good Citrine.

Keep in mind that to change one’s patterns in life, one has to change the underlying thought processes that support the current patterns. This is not always easy and certainly not always pleasant; but be assured that in a Universe that supports free will, you have all the support you need.

May you manifest change in your life with ease and grace. xo

Lion’s Gate August 2016

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The Lion’s Gate is open again with the alignment of Sirius and the Sun in Leo.

There are many articles on the Lion’s Gate around the internet, and while I don’t wish to repeat them, I would like to remind you that the most important thing you can do is to acknowledge the energy potentials coming from the home of our galactic cousins, and feel within through meditation or contemplation what these energies mean to you.

May you all be blessed. xo