Mercury Retrograde December 2017

Mercury Retrograde December 2017

Not all Mercury retrogrades are the same.  In fact, every one has different energetic influences on us.  Certainly, there are common Mercurian themes of which we are all becoming aware: issues with technology such as phones and computers (make sure you back things up), unforeseen events with travel plans, caution advised with negotiating and signing contracts. Just to name a few.

To more fully understand the potentials of the Mercury retrograde, we also have to take into consideration some other influences; namely what was happening in our lives during the shadow before the Mercury retrograde, and the sign(s) in which Mercury is retrograding.

Back in mid-November, we started the shadow period of this Mercury retrograde (the shadow period is the part of the zodiac Mercury will traverse back to during the retrograde). Mercury was in the middle of Sagittarius, and the Sun was in Scorpio. Mercury then spent time progressing to the end of Sagittarius before its retrograde station on December 2nd or 3rd, depending on where you live. It will then pass back to the middle of Sagittarius again before going direct station on December 22nd or 23rd, just after the December solstice and the Sun moving into Capricorn.

Mercury Retrograde Shadow Period

Do you remember what has been happening in your life over the past few weeks during the Mercury retrograde shadow period? Perhaps you keep a journal, in which case the job is a bit easier, but it is always of benefit to revise this shadow period, as it will to an extent be replayed, giving you the option to take a slightly different path, or repair broken fences, or maybe just learn what it is you were supposed to learn. If you had made a decision haphazardly during this shadow time, you may get a chance to revise that during the coming retrograde. If you did not consider something you should have, consider it now.


Sagittarius is a mutable sign, which makes us open to change. Sagittarius is also a carefree sign, so with a retrograding Mercury in Sagittarius we may be convinced of things a little easier. This has to be a red flag … we are more likely during this Mercury retrograde to be persuaded easily, as thinking takes a back seat. Maybe the salesperson can more easily relieve us of our funds for some Christmas presents. Maybe the utilities representative can more easily convince us to switch providers. The counsel here is to pause, breathe deeply and slowly, be patient and think things through.

Key energetic dates during the December Mercury Retrograde

During a retrograde cycle, the energy is at its strongest when the planet is at its [apparent] slowest, which is the station – i.e. it appears to slow down then stop before changing direction, and the changing of energy has the most dramatic effect. So the periods of 2nd and 3rd December, and again at 22nd and 23rd December are potentials for Mercury to have its greatest influence.

We also have the period around the 12:12 portal, where Mercury will traverse back past the Sun at around 21 degrees Sagittarius. This can be a period of lucidity and expanding one’s consciousness for those seekers of truth and spirituality.

Finally, we have the December solstice (the Sun appearing to stand still) just before the  Mercury direct station (Mercury appearing to stand still before going direct again). The veil is thinner at this time of the year, so the potential is there for further spiritual growth and out of the ordinary experiences.

Be blessed in all your pursuits. x