Red Pill time – Full Moon in Sagittarius

20180530 Full Moon in Sagittarius

We are currently in a period of integration. You may feel that the screws have been loosened a little as the planetary bodies have spread out across the zodiac. The majority of planets concentrated mainly in a few signs has eased. In fact, with the exception of the Moon passing through Virgo and Libra on its way to the Sagittarius full moon, the two signs flanking the Descendant are void at present, and all other ten signs have some presence. This is what [should be] making things seem more balanced.

Regardless, as the event draws near, we all have much internal work to do, and while this effort should not cease, now is a good time to be re-charging the batteries.

The flavour of this full moon is one of adaptability and change, in that the Sun being in Gemini and the Moon in Sagittarius are both mutable signs, and mutable signs promote change and adaptability. To quote Charles Darwin “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”

The Sagittarian energy promotes the seeking of knowledge and ultimate truth, but we must take the first step. We may only find the truth through taking the Red Pill – i.e. the truth will appear only when we are prepared to see how far the rabbit hole goes. With truth comes change, and growth. A rule of manifestation is that you cannot manifest something new unless you think (and do) something new. You have to change something to expect a different outcome. The energy of change is waiting for you.

Expect to have notions and ideas challenge your belief systems. This is natural and it is part of growth during these momentous times. It is not a matter of change for change’s sake, and remember no-one has the right to tell you that your truth is wrong. But you can decide that certain belief systems or mental concepts no longer serve you.

Please remember, we experience a full moon about once a month. It is always beneficial to go with the flow of energies, but full moons help us to make baby steps, small course corrections if you like. Never expect your life to change totally on each full moon. A large ship takes a long time to change course.

The full moon is 12:20 am Melbourne time on Wednesday 30th May, which is 9:20 pm Indochina time, 7:50 pm India time, 3:20 pm UK time, 2:20 pm GMT/UT, 10:20 am  Eastern time and 7:20 am Pacific time on Tuesday 29th May.

May truth, humility and grace resonate through your every thought and action. xo


Full Moon in Sagittarius June 2017

20170609 Full Moon in Sagittarius

The nature of a Full Moon is such that we have a stand-off of masculine energy (Sun) with feminine energy (Moon) as these two directly oppose each other. The signs in which the Moon and the Sun confront each other determine the aspects of our lives and society to be influenced, and the full moon aspect compared to the natal chart determines the degree of impact on us.

With the moon in Sagittarius and the Sun in Gemini, we have both astral bodies in mutable signs. As its name suggests, mutable signs are about adaptability (which is different to compromise). When we combine this with the Sagittarian seeking knowledge and ultimate truth, we begin to understand that we may find the truth through taking the Red Pill – i.e. the truth will appear only when we are prepared to see how far the rabbit hole goes.

About twelve hours after the precise full moon, the moon crosses Saturn – a planet that can be associated with limitation and restriction. As such, don’t be disheartened if the wind goes out of your sails. Remember that on life’s journey, not every step is forward and with a leap ahead it is often followed by a period of integration.

Please remember, we experience a full moon about once a month. It is always beneficial to go with the flow of energies, but full moons help us to make baby steps, small course corrections if you like. Never expect your life to change totally on each full moon. A large ship takes a long time to change course.

The full moon is 11:09 Pm Melbourne time, 8:09 PM Indochina time 6:39 PM India time, 2:09 pm UK time, 1:09 pm GMT, 9:09 am Eastern/Atlantic time and 6:09 am Pacific time on Friday 9th June.

May you always be blessed in every though thought and action. xo