Full Moon in Capricorn June 2018

Full Moon in Capricorn 20180628

Artwork by Alex Groseth

The Capricorn full moon can be a challenge for the spiritually inclined as the Capricorn energy makes one results-oriented. This does not always sit well where surrender, patience and integration, which are often-times required. Such is the energy of this full moon where the Moon is at 6 degrees Capricorn and the Sun at 6 degrees Cancer, just 6 degrees past or about 6 days after the June solstice which occurs at zero degrees Cancer.

Generally on a Capricorn full moon it is a good time to set realistic goals and impart energy and intent towards those goals. This is reinforced by Capricorn and Cancer both being cardinal signs marking the change of seasons, and thus promoting change and new beginnings. So this may be a good time to be doing organizing those things you have to do in your 3D life to exist in this dualistic world.

The key to this full moon and making the most of it from a higher perspective is the presence of Saturn. At 5 degrees Capricorn (in a sign it rules), Saturn is within a degree of the Moon. And if we look closely at the Saturn qualities (amplified by it being in Capricorn), one quality stands out. And that quality is Discipline.

No matter where one is on their spiritual path, discipline is always required. Whether it is the discipline to your daily practice (such as meditation, yoga, Reiki, whatever), or the discipline to stay in observation and not reaction, or the discipline to stay faithful when the wheel of life turns, all require discipline. Even being in surrender is a discipline.

The full moon is 2:53 pm Melbourne time, 11:53 am Indochina time, 10:23 am India time, 5:53 am UK time, 4:53 am GMT/UTĀ  and 12:53 am Eastern time on Thursday 28Th June, and for our friends on the West Coast this is 9:53 pm Pacific time on Wednesday 27th June.

May your journey be blessed, always. xo