June 2018 Solstice

stonehenge solstice

When the Sun is still in the sky, a portal opens.

Our spiritual evolution is defined by waves of energy followed by periods of integration. Certainly, many people experience a catalyst which kick-starts their journey, but awakening occurs over time by necessity.

The Solstice provides us with another increment of energy. An opportunity to release more of that which no longer serves, and prospects for further insights and understandings of that which could not be understood before. A chance to embrace living from your heart.

For those of you on the path who have become despondent or frustrated, I encourage you to use the Solstice to mark a point where you acknowledge that all of the roadblocks to progress are merely illusions, and with intent your Ascension is without doubt. Keep in mind it is a process not an event. Having said that, The Event nears daily.

The wheel continues to turn, and in the future there will be more energetic waves to propel you on your individual path. For now, enjoy the energies of the Solstice and the blessings of the Universe which is assisting your return home.

Remember the June solstice also notes the point when the Sun spills over from Gemini into Cancer. Cancer is a Cardinal sign and Cardinal signs are goods times to start new things, even if it is just a new frame of mind.

The precise time of the June solstice is 8:07 pm Melbourne time, which is 5:07 pm Indochina time, 3:37 pm India time, 11:07 am UK time, 10:07 am GMT/UT, 6:07 am Eastern time, and 3:07 am Pacific time. All times are on 21st June.

May you find blessings on your journey. x


December 2017 Solstice Blessings

Solstice December 2017

For those wishing to be in ceremony or meditation at the precise time of the solstice, it is 3:28 am Melbourne time on Friday 22nd December, which is 11:28 pm Indochina time, 9:58 pm India time, 4:28 pm UK/GMT/UT, 11:28 am Eastern time, and 8:28 am Pacific time, all on Thursday 21st December.

Blessings. x

June 2017 Solstice

stonehenge solstice

Blessings on this June solstice.

The solstice is that point in time where the sun reaches its most northern point from the equator, and (appears to) sit still in the sky. And as we know, like with meditation, insight, and increased energies are available at the still-point. Through insight we can expand our consciousness. And for those of us on a journey of spiritual awakening, expanded consciousness can bring spiritual growth.

The June Solstice also marks the movement of the Sun into Cancer. As Cancer is a Cardinal sign, the energies for new beginnings are enhanced, so leading up to the Solstice is a good time to tie up loose ends, and set intentions for the new. Cancer is also a Water sign, so the emotional body is seeking assertiveness; thus it is the time to honor your emotions. The emotional body and the water element correspond to the Sacral chakra, so it is also an appropriate time to focus on this chakra.

The June solstice is at 2:24 pm Melbourne time, 11:24 am Indochina time, 9:54 am India time, 5:24 am UK time, 4:24 am UT/GMT AND 12:24 am Atlantic (Eastern) time on Wednesday 21st June. For our friends on west coast America, that is 9:24 pm Pacific time on Tuesday 20th June.

May this solstice bring you another step on your journey to enlightenment.  x

December Solstice 2016


Photo Credit: http://www.english-heritage.org.uk

When the Sun is still in the sky, a portal opens.

Our spiritual evolution is defined by waves of energy followed by periods of integration. Certainly, many people experience a catalyst which kick-starts their journey, but awakening occurs over time by necessity.

The Solstice provides us with another increment of energy. An opportunity to release more of that which no longer serves, and prospects for further insights and understandings of that which could not be understood before. A chance to embrace living from your heart.

For those of you on the path who have become despondent or frustrated, I encourage you to use the Solstice to mark a point where you acknowledge that all of the roadblocks to progress are merely illusions, and with intent your Ascension is without doubt. Keep in mind it is a process not an event.

Do the inward work with the tools that resonate with you. It is too easy to be distracted by the external manifestations of the old world crumbling. It will occur in its own time, but the main game is the inward work. Remember we are in the process of completing a ‘9’ year, so for many there have been further separations and closures. Everything that happens is necessary to make way for changes in direction; which in reality is clarification and re-alignment with soul’s purpose.

The wheel continues to turn, and in the future there will be more energetic waves to propel you on your individual path. For now, enjoy the energies of the Solstice and the blessings of the Universe which is assisting your return home.

For those wishing to meditate or add ceremony at the precise time of the solstice, it occurs on Wednesday 21st December at the following time-zones:  9:44 pm Australia EDST,  5:44 pm Indochina time, 4:14 pm India time, 11:44 am Central Europe time, 10:44 am UK/UTC/GMT, 5:44 am Atlantic time, and on the west coast 2:44 am Pacific time.

May you all be blessed and may we continue to grow in 2017.

Full Moon and Solstice June 2016

20160621 Full Moon and Solstice cropped

It is no coincidence that this Sagittarius full moon occurs just a number of hours before the precise time of the June solstice.

While we have been inundated of late with waves of high vibration, this full moon asks us to complete and release ready for new light and further energetic waves from the Solstice. There are numerous references to the process of completion. Numerologically, the number of endings is ‘9’ (in fact this whole year is about dissolving and releasing the old as 2016 = 2+0+1+6 = 9). Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac, and the full moon is right at the end of Sagittarius, being at the 29th degree. Bear in mind also that a significant percentage of the human collective consciousness is currently observing Ramadan – the ninth month of the Islam calendar.

With all these references to endings and completion, it is important for all of us to clear out anything that we can – spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically (and remember, doing things in the physical symbolically assists us in the mental, emotional and physical, and vice-versa).

The Sagittarian archer takes careful aim before releasing his arrow, and during this full moon we should also ensure our aim is true and consider what needs to end to allow for new beginnings. Sagittarius is a fire sign and its properties include honesty. It is important not to turn what should be an inward process into an outward tirade by lining another in your sight and giving them a dose of Sagittarian firey ‘honesty’. Make this about yourself – one cannot harm another when one’s intent is purely for one’s self highest good.

This full moon occurs at 11:04 am on 20th June GMT, which is 9:04 pm Australian Eastern time, 6:04 pm Indochina time, 4:34 pm India time, 12:04 pm UK time, 7:04 am Atlantic time and 4:04 am Pacific time. The June solstice occurs 11.5 hours after that.

May this full moon and solstice allow you to end that which needs to end, and make way for the new with ease and grace. xo